Combination of Body and Facial. Most popular treatment in our salon.
プリンセスプランPrincess 90mins ¥13,950 (add optional menu head gua sha 20mins ¥16,450 )
プリンセスプランPrincess 120mins ¥17,940 (add optional menu head gua sha 20mins ¥20,440 )
アロマフェイシャル お客様のお肌に合わせたオーダーメイドフェイシャル。状態を見ながらかっさや超音波、吸引などからチョイス。心もお肌もリラックス。
According to the mood and physical condition of the day, we mix oil for you from 36 kinds of essential oils.
A full-body aromatherapy massage in a deep relaxation (90 minutes for back of legs, back, décolletage, shoulders, neck, and arms)
A custom-made facial tailored to your skin. Relax your mind and skin with a selection of gua sha, ultrasonic and vacuum suction.
プリンセスローズ Princess Rose 100mins ¥18,500
プリンセスローズ Princess Rose 120mins ¥ 22,800
Luxury menu full of roses
Rose Petal Foot Bath - Whole Body Aromatherapy Massage with Rose Essential Oil (100 minutes for back of legs, back, décolletage, shoulders, neck, arms) - Rose Facial (Cleansing, exfoliating, rose facial massage by hand & gua sha, vacuum suction,ultrasonic, mask, Skin conditioning) - gua sha head massage-moisuture hand mask (120mins hand & foot mask)
プリンセスジャスミン Princess Jasmine 100mins ¥18,500
プリンセスジャスミン Princess Jasmine 120mins ¥22,800
Luxury menu full of Jasmine & Roses
Rose Petal Foot Bath - Whole Body Aromatherapy Massage with Jasmine Essential Oil (100 minutes for back of legs, back, décolletage, shoulders, neck, arms) - Rose&Jasmine Facial (Cleansing, exfoliating, jasmine facial massage by hand & gua sha, vacuum suction,ultrasonic, mask, Skin conditioning) - gua sha head massage-moisuture hand mask (120mins hand & foot mask)
Luxurious and relaxing face care using [Select Organic Spa] natural cosmetics containing organic rose and hot spring water. A bespoke facial tailored to your skin type. We will finish your skin with a combination of exfoliation, hand massage, gua sha care, vacuum suction, ultrasonic, clay therapy, and skin type pack. All courses include foot bath, décolleté, shoulder, neck and arm aroma massage. Head massage can be added as an option.
50mins ¥9,800
Standard Facial
cleansing, exfoliate, facial massage, gua sha massage, mask, massage on the décolletage, shoulders, neck, and arms)
60mins. ¥11,050
Standard Facial+eye care with mushroom gua sha
80mins. ¥13,550
Standard Facial +Head gua sha 20mins.+eye care with mushroom gua sha
Superior Facial more intensive care
cleansing, exfoliate, facial massage, gua sha massage, vacuum suction, ultrasonic, mask, massage on the décolletage, shoulders, neck, and arms)
70mins. ¥12,800
Superior Facial+back oil massage with essential oil
90mins. ¥15,900
スーペリアフェイシャル+ヘッドスパ20分+アイかっさケア10分 人気!
100mins. ¥16,550
Superior Facial +Head gua sha 20mins.+eye care with mushroom gua sha Popular Menu!
スーペリアフェイシャル+ヘッドスパ20分+アイかっさケア10分 +フットリフレクソロジー
120mins. ¥19,300
Superior Facial +Head gua sha 20mins.+eye care with mushroom gua sha 10mins + Foot reflexology 20mins
オプションフェイシャル Option Facial 30mins ¥6,000 ボディメニューに追加できます。You can add to body menu
60mins 9,600円 お疲れの箇所集中ボディアロママッサージ
90mins 13,950円 全身のアロマボディマッサージ 人気!
120mins 17,940円 全身さらに念入りに特にお疲れの強い方におススメです
延長料金extention 10mins 1,600円
ヘッドスパ 60分 洗い流さないヘッドスパ+アイかっさケア+デコルテ・肩・首・腕のアロママッサージ
60mins. ¥9,600
Head spa 60mins Head gua sha +eye care with mushroom gua sha + massage (shoulder/neck/arm)
リラックスドライボディ Japanese acupressure 30mins. ¥5,500 New! Recommend!
The treatment begins with a full body relaxation acupressure to relieve tension in the body and regulate the autonomic nervous system.
Free gift for those who add Relax Japanese acupressure
We are giving away Japanese tenugui towels.
ヘッドかっさマッサージ head gua sha with essential oil 10mins. ¥1,250
洗い流さないヘッドスパかっさ head gua sha with soothing lavender gel 20mins. ¥2,500
アイかっさケア eye gua sha treatment 10mins. ¥1,250
アイかっさケア+ヘッドかっさ eye and head gua sha 20mins. ¥2,500
アイかっさケア+ヘッドスパかっさ eye and head gua sha with soothing lavender gel 30mins. ¥3,750
腸もみマッサージ abdomen massage 10mins. ¥1,705
腸もみマッサージ+ホットストーン abdomen massage with hot stone 20mins. ¥3,410
背中のカッピング cupping on the back ¥2,750
潤いハンドパック (角質ケア付き) hand care (hand scrub & moisture mask) ¥1,650
潤いフットパック moisturizing foot mask ¥1,100
よもぎ蒸し Yomogi(Mugwort) steamed 30mins. ¥3,300
メアリーズボーテ目黒 Mary’sBeauté
目黒駅西口または地下鉄正面口を出て左側に三井住友銀行があります。三井住友銀行とコインパーキングの間の細い道をまっすぐ進み、そのまま坂を下ります。左手に香港園(中華料理店)、右手にホリプロのビルが見えてきます。真っ直ぐのつきあたりオレンジのマンションです。 恵比寿,白金,中目黒,祐天寺,学芸大学,不動前,武蔵小山からもアクセス良好♪
Exit the West Exit of Meguro Station or the Main Exit of the subway, and you will find Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation(SMBC) on your left. Go straight on the narrow road between Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation(SMBC)and the coin parking and go down the slope. You will see the Hong Kong Garden (Chinese restaurant) on your left and the Horipro building on your right. It is a mansion with orange tiled the end of the slope. It is the 3rd floor in the building.
Appearance of the building.
There is no sign outside the apartment, but please enter through the front door.
Take the elevator in front of you and get off on the 3rd floor.
It's on your left when you get off.
代表 西尾麻里